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Bitcoin Security and Fun Devices

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Made in Canada
Coinkite is a leader in security and hardware manufacturer, est. block 141,000.
Maker of some of the most iconic Bitcoin products, such as OPENDIME, COLDCARD, BLOCKCLOCK, SATSCARD, TAPSIGNER and SATSCHIP.
Don't Trust–Verify
Our flagship hardware wallet! The COLDCARD Q has a full QWERTY keyboard, a larger LCD screen that's easy to read, a real QR scanner and much more!
An Open & Ultra-secure Hardware Wallet! COLDCARD Mk4 is a Bitcoin hardware wallet, it signs transactions to keep the private keys offline.
World's 1st and only Real Physical Bitcoin. Opendime is a small USB stick that allows you to spend Bitcoin like a dollar bill. Pass it along multiple times.
Our second Bitcoin Data Display. Track #bitcoin price, see blocks as they are published and connect Opendimes to display balance, fiat value, and deposit QR.
Our smallest Bitcoin Data Display. Track the bitcoin block height, price, and other metrics right on your desk!
Single 24 word plate, 12 words per side! Quality, thick steel, cut and etched in Canada. Etched text marks chemically colored in black for better legibility
The simple Bitcoin wallet in your pocket. TAPSIGNER is a Bitcoin private key on a card! With it you can sign mobile wallet transactions by tapping the card on your phone.
Like cash in hand, pass physical Bitcoin along multiple times. SATSCARD is new type of OPENDIME® in an NFC card form factor with ten times the reuse capacity.
SATSCHIP is a Bitcoin private key an artist can embed into a work of art! The piece carries that private key and it can never be seperated from the artwork, nor used by the artist after the art is sold.
Power your Coldcard and other low power USB devices from a standard 9-volt battery without any USB data concerns
CKBunker is a python program that you run on a computer attached to a Coldcard. It will setup and operate the Coldcard in “HSM Mode” where it signs without a human pressing the OK key.


Bitcoin Binary
An aggregated list of public/private companies, governments, funds, ETFs and other entities that hold bitcoin.
Track all important bitcoin dates in the Bitcoin Holiday Calendar, from the release of the white paper to the death of Mt. Gox and everything in between and since then.
Bitcoin Memes
Bitcoin memes for every occasion. We've collected them all and aggregated them in one place. Browse, share, and contribute your own.
Bitcoin Review
Catch up on updates and Commentary on Bitcoin and related projects and products from around the community.
Bitcoin Bounties
A collection of bounties for #Bitcoin projects. The #Bitcoin bounty list for devs.
Bitcoin Binary
Complex problems, simple solutions... less fud. A repository of Reproducible Build Proofs for Bitcoin Projects.
Bitcoin Binary
Track prices from exchanges, see blocks as they are published by miners, and connect the Opendime to display balance, fiat value, and deposit QR codes on any digital display like your iWatch.
Bitcoin Binary
Explore Black Friday deals from across the Bitcoin community and save on the latest.
Bitcoin Binary
Fetch and verify public Bitcoin binaries, and track/alert for changes in those binaries.
Validates any Bitcoin signed message and is smart about ASCII armour and whitespace.
Open Research for the Bitcoin Community Active projects to help protect your coins!


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